Dr. Raman Abhi
Director Internal Medicine
Experience: 31+years
Hospital: fmri
- Raman Abhi is a prominent name in the field of Internal Medicine with a career span of more than 21 years in this field.
- He has worked with several prestigious institutions and hospitals prior to joining Fortis Memorial Research Institute.
- He has to his credit an array of research work and publications.
Main Speciality:
Internal Medicine
Work Experience:
- Senior Consultant and H.O.D – Internal medicine at Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon
- Coordinator and In-Charge Artemis health and wellness program at Artemis health Institute, Gurgaon
- Consultant Physician & Diabetologist at Kanta Memorial Clinic, Gurgaon (Personal clinic)
- Registrar at DMC & H, Ludhiana
- Registrar at PGI, Chandigarh
- Senior Resident at Batra Hospital and Research Institute, N.
- Consultant Physician & Diabetologist at Pushpanjali Hospital, Gurgaon
- Consultant Physician at Uma Sanjeevani Health Centre, Gurgaon
- Consultant Physician at Umkal Hospital, Gurgaon
- Consultant & H.O.D. – Internal Medicine at Paras Hospital, Gurgaon
- Consultant and H.O.D. – Internal Medicine at Artemis Health Institute,
- Consultant physician and diabetologist at personal clinic (Kanta Memorial clinic)
Professional Memberships:
- Association of Physician of India – membership no – L-8340
- Research society for the study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) Membership No – ACAD – 3143
- Indian Medical Association – life member