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  • Dr Vikas Singhal is a well-known Bariatric Surgeon in Gurgaon.
    With an experience of over 13+years, he has worked with some of the finest
    colleges in India & Abroad.
  • Dr Singhal has completed his MBBS from the prestigious Maulana Medical College.
    Following which he did his MRCS from Glasgow and Fellowship in Advanced
    Laparoscopic GI & Bariatric Surgery from University Hospitals Cleveland, USA.
  • Dr Vikas Singhal is an American Board of Surgery certified surgeon and also
    certified from American Society of Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).
  • He has several peer-reviewed indexed publications in GI surgery in international
    journals and has been awarded the best paper award by the Journal of GI Surgery
    and Society of Surgeons of the Alimentary tract, USA.
  • He is an active member of some of the eminent organisation like American Society
    of Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Society of American Gastroenterological &
    Endoscopic Surgeon (SAGES), and Society for Surgeons of Alimentary Tract
    (SSAT), and American College of Surgeons (ACS).
  • Dr Vikas Singhal has his expertise in newer laparoscopic and endoscopic
    procedures for reflux disease, and complex hernia surgery including component
    separation techniques.

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