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Breast Cancer Treatment Cost In India

In 2022 more than 2.7 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer and 705,000 deaths worldwide.
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer type in Women. Earlier, cervical cancer used to be the most prevalent cancer in women.
Moreover, the average age of women with breast cancer is reducing every year. Young females as early as in their thirties are now diagnosed with breast cancer.
However, with the advanced breast cancer treatment in India the survival rates of breast cancer patients are also increasing. Moreover, if you add breast reconstruction surgery along with breast cancer treatment, females can live the next phase of their life without even telling anybody about the event.

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    What is Breast Cancer?

    • It is cancer that starts in the breast.Cancer begins when cells start to grow out of control. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age and weight gain.
    • There are several types of breast cancer that depend on which cells in the breast turn into cancer.A Breast is made up of three parts: lobules, ducts, and connective tissue.
    • The lobules are the glands that produce milk and ducts are the tubes that carry milk to the nipple.The connective tissue which comprises fibrous and fatty tissue encircles and holds everything together.
    • Most breast cancers begin in the ducts or lobules.Breast cancer can spread out of the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels.

    Types of Breast Cancer:

    Breast cancer is mainly divided into 2 types: invasive and non-invasive.Invasive cancer spreads from the breast ducts to other parts of the breast whereas non-invasive cancer has not spread from the original tissue.

    Ductal Carcinoma In Situ:

    It is a non-invasive condition where the cancer cells are confined to the ducts in your breast and haven’t invaded the surrounding tissue.

    Lobular Carcinoma In Situ:

    It is cancer that grows in the milk-producing glands of your breast. In this also, the cancer cells have not invaded the surrounding tissues.

    Invasive Ductal Carcinoma:

    It is the most widespread type of breast cancer.This type of breast cancer develops in your breast’s milk ducts and invades surrounding tissues in the breast.Once it spreads to surrounding tissues, it begins to spread to other organs and tissues.

    Invasive Lobular Carcinoma:

    It first develops in your breast’s lobules and has already invaded the surrounding tissues.

    Stages of Breast Cancer:

    There are four stages of breast cancer.The stages are classified according to the size of the tumor and whether the tumor has spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body.

    Stage 0 Breast Cancer:

    The cells are limited to the ducts and have not spread to surrounding tissues.Stage 0 is also called Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS).

    Stage 1 Breast Cancer:

    Stage 1 A : At this stage, the tumor has not affected the lymph nodes or there are small groups of cancer cells in the lymph nodes. During this stage, the tumors measure up to 2 centimeters.
    Stage 1B : Cancer is found in nearby lymph nodes and either there is no tumor in the breast or is smaller than 2cm.

    Stage 2 Breast Cancer:

    Stage 2 A: At this stage, the tumor is 2 centimeters and has started to spread to 1-3 lymph nodes or is 2-5 centimeters and has not spread to lymph nodes.
    Stage 2 B: At this stage, the tumor is between 2-5 cm and has spread to 1-3 axillary lymph nodes or it is larger than 5cm and has not spread to any lymph nodes.

    Stage 3 Breast Cancer:

    Stage 3A: At this stage, the tumor is up to 5 cm, and it has spread to 1-3 axillary lymph nodes, or the tumor is larger than 5 cm and has spread to a few of the lymph nodes.

    Stage 3B: A Tumor has conquered the chest wall or skin and may or may not have conquered up to nine lymph nodes.

    Stage 3C: At this stage, cancer is found in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes.

    Stage 4 Breast Cancer:

    At this stage, cancer can have a tumor of any size. Cancer has spread to many organs that include bones, liver, lungs, or brain.

    Causes of Breast Cancer

    The exact cause of breast cancer is unknown but there are some risk factors that you should know to prevent breast cancer.

    Age: The risk factors of breast cancer increase with age with women over the age of 50.

    Family history of Breast Cancer: Women who carry certain mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have higher chances of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or both. People take over these genes from their parents.

    History of Breast Cancer: Women who had breast cancer in the past are more likely to have it again than those who have no history of the disease.

    Dense Breast Tissue: Women with more dense breasts are likely to receive breast cancer.

    Estrogen Exposure: Estrogen exposure could increase due to people having their periods earlier or entering menopause at a later age.

    Bodyweight: Women who are overweight or develop obesity after menopause also have higher chances of developing breast cancer.

    Consumption of Alcohol: Women who consume alcohol (moderate to high levels of a drinker) have a higher risk of breast cancer than those who do not (and light drinkers).

    Hormonal Treatment: According to NCI, oral Contraceptives may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer.

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      Symptoms of Breast Cancer

      The first symptom of breast cancer typically appears with a thickened tissue in the breast or a lump in the breast or an armpit. Other symptoms include:

      • Pain in the armpits
      • Sunken nipple
      • Scrambling of the skin on the breast or nipple
      • Rash around the nipples
      • Discharge from a nipple
      • Inflammation of the skin of the breast
      • Variation in the size or shape of the breastMost breast lumps are not cancerous; however, women should visit a doctor for an examination if they notice such lumps.

      Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

      The first symptom of breast cancer typically appears with a thickened tissue in the breast or a lump in the breast or an armpit. Other symptoms include:

      Tests that can help to diagnose breast cancer include:

      • Breast Exam: The doctor will examine your breast and lymph nodes in your armpit to feel any lumps or any abnormalities.
      • Ultrasound: It uses sound waves to create a picture of the tissue deep in your breast. It helps doctors to distinguish between a solid mass, such as a tumor, and a benign cyst.
      • Mammogram: It is an imaging test that can see below the surface of the breast. If your doctor suspects that you may have a tumor or suspicious spots, then they will request a mammogram.
      • MRI: It is a type of scan that uses a magnet linked to a computer that provides detailed pictures of areas in the breast.
      • Biopsy: In this test, tissue or fluid is removed from the suspicious area of the breast to test for cancer. There are different kinds of biopsies such as fine-needle aspiration, core biopsy, or open biopsy.

      Best breast cancer treatment in India

      The first step of breast cancer treatment is to determine the stage of the disease or the spread of cancer. Based on the stage, the tumor board decides the treatment plan for the patient.
      Most of the time, breast cancer treatment in India is a multi-modality treatment that includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. This multimodality breast cancer treatment ensures that the cancerous tissues are removed and also the probability of reoccurrence is reduced as far as possible.
      Surgery is the most popular treatment for breast cancer. However, surgery needs to be complemented with other treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation, or hormone therapy.

      Surgery for Breast Cancer treatment in India

      There are different types of breast cancer surgery conducted by surgeons as part of breast cancer treatment in India.
      Based on the stage of cancer, one of the below-mentioned surgeries may be recommended by the surgeon.

      1. Lumpectomy:
      This removes the tumor and surrounding tissues which are affected.

      2. Mastectomy (breast removal surgery):
      In this surgery, the entire breast is removed, and in a double mastectomy, both breasts are removed.

      3. Breast conservation surgery:
      BCS (breast-conserving surgery) removes cancer while preserving as much of the normal breast as possible. Some healthy tissue and lymph nodes are usually removed as well.
      Depending on how much tissue is removed, breast-conserving surgery is referred to as a lumpectomy, quadrantectomy, partial mastectomy, or segmental mastectomy.

      4. Sentinel Node Biopsy:
      In this surgery, a few of the lymph nodes that receive drainage from the tumor are removed and tested for cancer.

      5. Axillary Lymph Node Dissection:
      If the lymph nodes removed during sentinel node biopsy contain cancer cells, then your doctor will remove a few more lymph nodes for testing.

      6. Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy:
      In this surgery, even though cancer is present in one of the breasts, people tend to remove the healthier breast to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer again.

      7. Breast reconstruction surgery:
      Many women having breast cancer surgery have the option to reconstruct their breasts.
      Breast reconstruction usually falls into two categories: Implant reconstruction and Flap reconstruction.
      In Implant reconstruction, breast implants are done to form a new breast mound whereas, in flap reconstruction, a patient’s own tissue from another part of the body is used to form a new breast.

      8. Oncoplastic Surgery:
      Most women who have a lumpectomy or breast conservation surgery might end up with breast deformity as a result of the surgery hence oncoplastic surgery is done either at the time of the initial surgery or after the completion of treatment.

      Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer treatment in India

      Chemotherapy is a breast cancer treatment in India wherein the medical oncologist attempts to kill the cancerous tissues through medicines.The medicines are typically given through injections or IV.
      Chemotherapy, at times, is also given to patients after the surgery to ensure that all the cancerous cells are killed even in nearby areas of the tumor which is surgically removed.
      Sometimes doctors might choose to administer chemotherapy prior to surgery to shrink the tumor and remove it easily.

      Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer treatment in India

      In breast cancer treatment in India, radiotherapy (high-powered radiation) is used mostly after the surgery to target and kill any remaining cancer cells that might be left after the surgery is done.

      Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer treatment in India

      Targeted therapy uses drugs to target specific genes and proteins that lead to the growth of cancer cells.This treatment can affect the tissue environment that enhances the growth and survival of cells that are related to cancer growth like blood vessel cells.

      Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer treatment in India

      If your breast cancer is sensitive to hormones, then this treatment is carried out by doctors. This therapy works by blocking your body’s production of hormones (Estrogen and Progesterone). This treatment is carried out to prevent hormone-sensitive breast cancers from returning after treatment.

      Which is the best country for breast cancer treatment?

      When searching for the best country for breast cancer treatment USA, UK, Germany, France, and India are among the top.
      The cost of surgery and treatment is very high in developed countries whereas the cost of treatment in India is nearly half without compromising the outcome.
      The Indian healthcare system has well-trained doctors, as well as specialized and well-trained operative and post-operative care teams capable of handling complex cases at a reasonable cost.

      Survival rate of breast cancer in India

      The survival rate depends on the different stages of cancer in women.
      The 5-year survival rate for local breast cancer (Stage IA, Stage IIA & Stage IIB) is 99%.
      The 5-year survival rate for regional breast cancer (Stage IB, Stage IIA, Stage IIB and all Stage III) is 86%.
      The 5-year survival rate for distant breast cancer (stage 4) is very low.

      Breast Cancer treatment cost in India

      The cost of undergoing breast cancer treatment in India is relatively much less compared to the US, UK, or Thailand.The affordability in cost comes with technological advancement and superior comprehensive surgical care which is at par with the international standards.
      A medical evaluation is done to determine the site, size, and spread of cancer. The cost of cancer evaluation starts from 500 USD .
      Based on the evaluation, the onco-surgeon will be able to comment on the patient’s treatment plan.The cost of breast cancer treatment in India starts from 2200 USD.
      The onco-surgeon would suggest either simple, radical, or modified radical mastectomy based on the spread of the cancer cells. For a complete cure, the surgeon may also suggest chemotherapy and radiation therapy along with surgery based on the patient’s condition. The cost of chemotherapy for breast cancer ranges from 500 to 1000 USD / cycle.
      However, the cost depends upon multiple factors including stage, treatment, protocol, age, and associated comorbidities. You should treat this cost as an indicative cost.
      To know, what would be the breast cancer treatment cost in India in your case, you may like to get in touch with us and we can advise you on the tentative cost and treatment plan.

      Best doctors for breast cancer treatment in India

      India has a massive pool of the best doctors for breast cancer treatment who are proficient and well-researched in delivering the best treatments to our patients. Here is a list of the best doctors for breast cancer treatment in India.

      Best Breast Cancer Hospital in India

      The top hospitals in India are equipped with cutting-edge technology and the latest innovation to provide the best cancer care. Here is a list of the best breast cancer hospitals in India which provide the best cancer treatment and surgery:

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        We offers these Services

        • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
        • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
        • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
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        • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
        • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
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        • Providing professional language interpreter
        • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
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        • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires


        Fortis Memorial Research Institute

        Number of beds:    1000
        ICU Beds:                  298
        Airport Distance:  17 KMs

        Brief About:

        • Fortis Memorial Research Institute was established in 2001.
        • It is an outstanding multi-speciality quaternary care hospital,having the top-notch infrastructure, advanced equipment, highly qualified and experienced medical professionals and super sub-specialists.
        • Fortis Hosptial Gurgaon is an advanced centre of excellence in Robotic Surgery, Neurosciences, Oncology, Renal Sciences, BMT, Organ Transplants, Orthopaedics, Cardiac Sciences and Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

        Dr. Vedant Kabra

        Dr. Vedant Kabra

        • Dr. Vedant Kabra is Principal Director of Surgical Oncology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.
        • He received Surgical Oncology training from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai & National Cancer Centre, Singapore.  Read More

        Dr. Vinod Raina

        Dr. Vinod Raina

        • Dr. Vinod Raina is a Medical Oncologist of high acclaim with experience of more than 41 years.
        • He offers treatment for breast cancer, lung cancer, blood cancer (Acute and Chronic Leukaemia, Lymphomas) and gastrointestinal cancer. Read More

        Dr. Anil Kumar Anand

        Dr. Anil Kumar Anand

        • Presently working as the Director of Radiation Oncology department at Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI) Gurgaon Delhi NCR.
        • Specialised training – Royal Marsden Hospital for cancers of the Head & Neck region, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital for Childhood Cancer Read More
        Dr. Vedant KabraDr. Vedant Kabra
        Specialist:Sur. Oncology
        Hospital:Fortis Gurgaon
        Dr. Vinod RainaDr. Vinod Raina
        Speciality:Med. Oncology
        Hospital:Fortis Gurgaon
        Dr. Anil Kumar AnandDr. Anil Anand
        Speciality:Rad. Oncology
        Experience:21 years
        Hospital:Fortis Gurgaon

        Max Hospital Saket3

        Max Hospital Saket

        Number of beds:   500
        ICU Beds:                 267
        Airport Distance: 13 KM

        Brief About:

        • Max Super Speciality Hospital at Saket is one of the topmost healthcare service
        • Providers in India. The multi-super speciality hospital has a capacity of over 500 beds, 250 functional beds. It is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, advanced technologies.
        • With the help of over 300 leading specialist Doctors, strong nursing staff, and state-of-the-art innovative medical tools.

        Dr. Harit Chaturvedi

        Dr. Harit Chaturvedi

        Dr. Harit Chaturvedi is a distinguished oncologist with an illustrious career that began at the renowned Cancer Institute, Adyar (Chennai). With over 15 years of experience, he has made significant contributions to cancer awareness and has been a vocal advocate against tobacco consumption. Dr. Chaturvedi is widely respected for his clinical prowess and surgical skills.  Read More

         Dr. Devavrat Arya

        Dr. Devavrat Arya

        Dr. Devavrat Arya, an esteemed Oncology Specialist, boasts an impressive academic background with an M.B.B.S from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, MD (Medicine) from Govt. Medical College, Surat, and DM (Medical Oncology) from Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmadabad. With a decade of experience, he serves as a Senior Consultant at the International Oncology Center Read More

        Dr. Rayaz Ahmed

        Dr. Rayaz Ahmed

        • Dr. Rayaz Ahmed is one of the best Hematologists-Oncologists in New Delhi.
        • He has more than 19 years of experience.
        • His special interests are Stem Cell Transplant or Bone Marrow Transplant. Read More
        Dr. Harit ChaturvediDr. Harit Chaturvedi
        Experience:16+ years
        Hospital:Max Saket
         Dr. Devavrat AryaDr. Devavrat Arya
        Experience:23+ years
        Hospital:Max Saket
        Dr. Rayaz AhmedDr. Rayaz Ahmed
        Experience:19 years
        Hospital:Max Saket


        BLK-Max Hospital

        Number of beds: 700
        ICU Beds:               175
        Airport Distance: 13 Km

        Brief About:

        • BLK Super Speciality Hospital was established by Dr. B.L. Kapur  in 1959. It was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.
        • BLK Super Speciality Hospital was established by Dr. B.L. Kapur  in 1959. It was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.
        • BLK has a unique combination of the best in class technology, put to use by the best names in the professional circles to ensure world-class health care to all patients.

        Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas

        Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas

        Dr. Surender Kumar Dabas is a highly accomplished surgical oncologist with over 20 years of extensive experience in the field. He holds pivotal positions at prestigious institutions, serving as the Senior Director & HOD of Surgical Oncology & Robotic Surgery at BLK Hospital, the Director of Head & Neck Oncology and Thoracic Services at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon & Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi, Read More

        Dr. Hari Goyal

        Dr. Hari Goyal

        Dr. Hari Goyal is a distinguished Medical Oncologist with over 24+ years of extensive experience in treating cancer patients. He obtained his MBBS from Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, followed by an MD in Internal Medicine from SMS Medical College, Jaipur. Dr. Goyal further pursued a DM in Medical Oncology Read More


        Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar

        • Dr Chandragouda Dodagoudar is a famed medical oncologist in Delhi.
        • He has a thriving experience in medical oncology.
        • Dr Dodagoudar has completed his MBBS, MD (Medicine) and DNB (Medical oncology).Following which he did his ECMO from Europe. Read More
        Dr. Surender Kumar DabasDr. Surender Dabas
        Specialist:Sur. Oncologist
        Experience:20+ years
        Dr. Hari GoyalDr. Hari Goyal
        Specialist:Med. Oncologist
        Experience:24+ years
        Specialist:Med. Oncologist
        Experience:21 years

        Artemis Hospital

        Artemis Hospital Gurgaon

        Number of beds:  600
        ICU Beds:                185
        Airport Distance: 19 Km

        Brief About:

        • Artemis Hospital, established in 2007, spread across 9 acres, is a 600plus bed; state-of-the-art multi-speciality hospital located in Gurgaon, India.
        • Artemis Hospital is the first JCI and NABH accredited hospital in Gurgaon.
        • Designed as one of the most advanced hospitals in India, Artemis provides a depth of expertise in the spectrum of advanced medical & surgical interventions, a comprehensive mix of inpatient and outpatient services.

        Dr. Praveen Yadav

        Dr. Praveen Yadav

        • Dr. Parveen Yadav is a renowned Surgical Oncologist with 19+ years of experience.
        • He has done MBBS and MS General surgery from the reputed medical Pt BD Sharma Medical College, Rohtak. Read More

        Dr. Mukesh Patekar

        Dr. Mukesh Patekar

        • Dr. Mukesh Patekar is a medical oncologist with 9+ Experience.
        • Well versed with solid tissue malignancies, haematological malignancies, stem cell transplant as well as paediatric malignancies. Read More

        Dr. Priya Tiwari

        Dr. Priya Tiwari

        • Dr. Priya Tiwari is a medical oncologist with 12+ years of experience.
        • Dr. Priya Tiwari is a member of MASCC society of India, Immuno-oncology Society of India,  European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and associate editor of Indian Read More
        Dr. Praveen YadavDr. Praveen Yadav
        Speciality:Sur. Oncologist
        Experience:19 years
        Hospital:Artemis Hospital
        Dr. Mukesh PatekarDr. Mukesh Patekar
        Specialist:Med. Oncologist
        Experience:9+ years
        Hospital:Artemis Hospital
        Dr. Priya TiwariDr. Priya Tiwari
        Specialist:Med. Oncologist
        Experience:12+ years
        Hospital:Artemis Hospital

        Get Opinion From Doctor

          We offers these Services

          • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
          • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
          • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
          • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
          • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
          • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
          • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
          • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
          • Providing professional language interpreter
          • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
          • Providing help in money exchanging
          • Providing local sim card
          • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires


          Medanta The Medicity Hospital

          Number of beds:  1250
          ICU Beds:                300
          Airport Distance: 18 KMs

          Brief About:

          • Medanta – The Medicity is amongst India’s largest and most renowned multi-super speciality healthcare centre with 1250 beds, 29 super speciality units and more than 800 accomplished doctors.
          • Supported by state-of-art infrastructure, all the departments in the hospital are fully equipped with cutting-edge technology, modular Operation Theatre and modernized monitoring systems in ICUs.
          • The panel of doctors from Medanta, headed by A.S.Soin performed the first successful intestinal transplant in India.

          Dr. Deepak Sarin

          Dr. Deepak Sarin

          • Dr. Deepak Sarin is a head and neck onco-surgeon with 20+ years of experience.
          • He has won the Chandler Society Award (USA), Mukut Sahariya Award, and Kamani Charity Book Prize (Gold Medal in MS). Read More

          Dr. Ashok Kumar Vaid

          Dr. Ashok Kumar Vaid

          • Chairman of Division of Medical & Paediatric Oncology, Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant at Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon.
          • He holds an expertise in Treatment of organ specific cancers, Leukemias and Lymphomas. Read More

          Dr. Tejinder Kataria

          Dr. Tejinder Kataria

          • Dr. Tejinder Kataria Currently associated as the Chairperson Radiation Oncology department of Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon with the experience of 28+ years.
          • Dr. Tejinder Kataria Commissioned the latest techniques of stereotactic radiation with micro multi leaf collimator, whole body Read More
          Dr. Deepak SarinDr. Deepak Sarin
          Speciality:Sur. Oncologist
          Experience:21 years
          Hospital:Medanta Gurgaon
          Dr. Ashok Kumar VaidDr. Ashok Vaid
          Speciality:Ped. Oncology
          Hospital:Medanta Gurgaon
          Dr. Tejinder KatariaDr. Tejinder Kataria
          Speciality:Rad. Oncologist
          Experience:28+ years
          Hospital:Medanta Gurgaon

          manipal hospitals dwarka Delhi

          Manipal Hospital Dwarka New Delhi

          Number of beds:  480
          ICU Beds:                 118
          Airport Distance: 8 Km

          About Hospital:

          • Manipal Hospital Dwarka is a prominent multi-speciality and quaternary care providing hospital with first-rate healthcare services and integrated facilities.
          • The world-class medical centre is a part of Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG), one of India’s forerunner healthcare groups.
          • These Hospitals as an entity came into existence in 1991 with the launch of a hospital in Bangalore. Today, the group has 15 hospitals in India and an international presence with a hospital in Malaysia.

          Dr. Anadi Pachaury

          Dr. Anadi Pachaury

          • He has 13 years of experience in his field.
          • His areas of expertise are Upper Gastro-intestinal, Colorectal & Hepato-biliary Pancreatic Malignancies, Breast and Oncoplastic Surgeries, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeries, etc. Read More

          Dr. Anusheel Munshi

          Dr. Anusheel Munshi

          • HOD And Consultant – Radiation, Oncology Sciences
          • Dr. Anusheel Munshi is a reputed Radiation Oncologist with experience of over 19 years. Read More

          Dr. Peush Bajpai

          Dr. Peush Bajpai

          • Dr. Peush Bajpai is a reputed Medical Oncologist practicing successfully for more than 14 years.
          • He offers treatment for Breast Cancer, Gynaecological Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Prostate and Lung cancer Read More
          Dr. Anadi PachauryDr. Anadi Pachaury
          Specilaist:Sur. Oncology
          Experience:13+ years
          Hospital:Manipal Dwarka
          Dr. Anusheel MunshiDr. Anusheel Munshi
          Specialist:Rad. Oncologist
          Experience:19+ years
          Hospital:Manipal Dwarka
          Dr. Peush BajpaiDr. Peush Bajpai
          Specialist:Med. Oncology
          Experience:14+ years
          Hospital:Manipal Dwarka

          indraprastha apollo hospital

          Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

          No. of beds: 900
          ICU Beds:     262
          Airport:  20kms

          About Hospital:

          • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is a flagship hospital of India’s foremost healthcare groups,the Apollo Group. It is a highly renowned multi-speciality facility that offers tertiary and quaternary care services to domestic and international patients.
          • The 900 bedded hospital is outfitted with the most modern technology for diagnostics as well as therapeutic purposes.
          • A team of highly trained medical professionals work under all the 52 specialities at the hospital.

          Dr Shuaib Zaidi oncology

          Dr. S M Shuaib Zaidi

          • S M Shuaib Zaidi is one of the best Oncologists in New Delhi.
          • Zaidi is a renowned surgical oncologist who is currently associated with Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. Read More

          Dr. Sameer Kaul

          Dr. Sameer Kaul

          • Dr. Sameer Kaul is a well-known surgical oncologist and has an experience of more than 27 years in this specific field.
          • He has expertise in surgeries of Head & Neck, Breast, Genitourinary, GI, Soft Tissue & Bone, and Thorax related tumors. Read More

          Dr. Dipanjan Panda

          Dr. Dipanjan Panda

          • Currently associated as Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology with Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
          • Credited with starting the medical oncology department with Institute of Liver & Biliary sciences in the year 2011 at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi Read More
          Dr Shuaib Zaidi oncologyDr. S M Shuaib Zaidi
          Specialist:Sur. Oncologist
          Experience:18+ years
          Hospital:Apollo Delhi
          Dr. Sameer KaulDr. Sameer Kaul
          Specialist:Med. Oncologist
          Experience:27 years
          Hospital:Apollo Delhi
          Dr. Dipanjan PandaDr. Dipanjan Panda
          Speciality:Med. Oncologist
          Experience:17 years
          Hospital:Apollo Delhi

          Jaypee Hospital, Noida

          Jaypee Hospital, Noida

          Number of beds:   525
          ICU Beds :               150
          Airport Distance: 32 KMs

          About Hospital:

          • The Jaypee Hospital was conceptualized by a revered Founder Chairman, Shri Jai Prakash Gaur in 2014, with the vision of promoting world-class healthcare amongst the masses by providing quality and affordable medical care with commitment.
          • Jaypee Hospital at Noida is the flagship hospital of the Jaypee Group, which heralds the group’s noble intention to enter the healthcare space.
          • This hospital has been planned and designed as a 1200 bedded tertiary care multi-speciality facility and has commissioned 525 beds in the first phase.

          Dr. Suhas Singla

          Dr. Suhas Singla

          • Dr. Suhas Singla is known in the field of Oncology and Nuclear medicine with 12+ years of experience in the field.
          • The doctor has a special interest in PET-CT (Oncology/Neurology/Cardiology), SPECT-CT and all Nuclear Medicine therapeutics. Read More

          Dr. Malay Nandy

          Dr. Malay Nandy

          • Dr. Malay Nandy is an eminent Medical Oncologist with experience of more than 30+ years.
          • Professionally he is associated with the American Society of Clinical Oncology, European Society of Medical Oncology Read More

          Dr. Sudarsan De

          Dr. Sudarsan De

          • Dr. Sudarsan De is a renowned Radiation Oncologist with experience of more than 30+years.
          • He has membership with the European Society of Medical Oncology (ECMO), European Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncologists Read More
          Dr. Suhas SinglaDr. Suhas Singla
          Experience:12+ years
          Hospital:Jaypee Noida
          Dr. Malay NandyDr. Malay Nandy
          Specialist:Med. Oncologist
          Experience:30+ years
          Hospital:Jaypee Noida
          Dr. Sudarsan DeDr. Sudarsan De
          Specialist:Rad. Oncologist
          Experience:30 years
          Hospital:Jaypee Noida

          Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad

          Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad

          Number of beds:  450
          ICU Beds:                109
          Airport Distance: 35 Km

          About Hospital:

          • Sarvodaya Hospital Faridabad, established in 1997.
          • Sarvodaya, a leading super specialty hospital brings the best of tertiary healthcare to Faridabad, Delhi NCR with a focus on affordability and medical excellence.
          • Sarvodaya Hospital Faridabad, awarded the Best Super Specialty Hospital of Faridabad by The Global Healthcare Awards, 2014.

          Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar

          Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar

          • Dr. Pendharkar is a medical oncologist with 38+ years of experience.
          • He is a president of the Indian Society of Oncology, joint secretary of Indian Society of Oncology and associate editor of Indian Journal of Medical Pediatric Oncology. Read More
          Dr. Dinesh PendharkarDr. Dinesh Pendharkar
          Speciality:Med. Oncologist
          Experience:38+ Years
          Hospital:Sarvodaya Hospital


          Get Opinion From Doctor

            We offers these Services

            • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
            • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
            • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
            • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
            • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
            • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
            • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
            • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
            • Providing professional language interpreter
            • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
            • Providing help in money exchanging
            • Providing local sim card
            • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires
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            Dr. Biswajyoti Hazarika
            Dr. Meenu Walia
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            Dr. Suhas Singla
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            Dr. Mohit Agrawal
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            Dr. Harit Chaturvedi
            Dr. Ramandeep Singh Arora
            Dr. Aditi Chaturvedi
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            Dr. Arun Kumar Giri
            Dr. Deepak Jha
            Dr. Tapan Singh Chauhan
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            Dr. Kamal Verma
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            Dr. Vineet Govinda Gupta
            Dr. Rohan Halder
            Dr. C. Dodagoudar
            Dr. Abhishek Raj
            Dr. Vikas Jain
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            Dr. Vivek Gupta
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            Dr. Prateek Varshney
            Dr. Subodh Chandra Pande
            Dr. S M Shuaib Zaidi
            Dr. Dinesh Chandra Katiyar
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            Dr. Stalin Ramprakash
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            Dr. Jai Prakash Gurawalia
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            Dr. Vinay Samuel Gaikwad
            Dr. Aditya Murali
            Dr. Ruquaya Ahmad Mir
            Dr. Sudesh M Phanse
            Dr. Arun Behl
            Dr. Umang Mittal
            Dr. Sandeep Kumar Mohan
            Dr. Vipin Khandelwal
            Dr. Raghuram C. P
            Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh
            Dr. Shyam K. Shrivastava
            Dr. Donald John Babu
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            Dr. Noaline Sinha
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            Dr. Shirsak Ghosh
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            Dr. Raja Tewari
            Dr. Sandeep Batra
            Dr. Veda Padma Priya S
            Dr. Anusheel Munshi
            Dr. Francis G
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            Dr. Kabir Rehmani
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            Dr. Rakesh Ojha
            Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma
            Dr. Rajat Bajaj
            Dr. Mukesh Patekar
            Dr. Ashu Abhishek
            Dr. Suman S Karanth
            Dr. Shubham Garg
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            Dr. Shakuntala V Shah
            Dr. Vishal Choksi
            Dr. Bhavesh Parekh
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            Dr. Abhaya Kumar SM
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            Dr. Kakoli Lahkar
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            Dr. Wasim Phoplunkar
            Dr. Aadesh A Patil
            Dr. Ragesh R. Nair
            Dr. Jyotika Jain
            Dr. Meghal Sanghavi
            Dr. Sunny Jain
            Dr. Sunny Garg
            Dr. Peush Bajpai
            Dr. B Jayanand Sunil
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            Dr. Shubham Jain
            Dr. Anadi Pachaury
            Dr. Bhawana Awasthy
            Dr. Deepak Singla
            Dr. Vibhor Sharma
            Dr. V. Srinivasan
            Dr. Suman Kalyan N
            Dr. Aditi Aggarwal
            Dr. Neha Singh
            Dr. Nitin Leekha
            Dr. Mudhasir Ahmad
            Dr. Jayant Arora
            Dr. Alok T
            Dr. Sushil Kumar
            Dr. Vikas Goswami
            Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar
            Dr. Sumant Gupta
            Dr. Abhishek Gulia
            Dr. Ruchir Tandon
            Dr. Muralidhar Muddusetty
            Dr. Rajesh Goud
            Dr. Ajay Varun Reddy
            Dr. P Venkata Sushma
            Dr. Harish Kancharla
            Dr. Reetu Jain
            Dr. Gangadhar Vajrala
            Dr. Kamran Khan
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            Dr. Subbiah Shanmugam
            Dr. Sumana Premkumar
            Dr. Mallika Tewari
            Dr. Shilpa Gupta Khandelwal
            Dr. Prabhakar M
            Dr. Nilaxi Khataniar
            Dr. N Srilahari
            Dr. Chinnababu Sunkavalli
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            Dr. P Dhanashekar
            Dr. Rajendran B
            Dr. Parveen Mendiratta
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            Dr. Arun Danewa
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            Dr. Alok Tiwari
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            Dr. Himanshu Shukla
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            Dr. Amit Rauthan
            Dr. Somashekhar S. P.
            Dr. Sanjiv Sharma
            Dr. Vadhiraja B.M
            Dr. Sindhu Paul Kavalakkat
            Dr. Vadhiraja B.M
            Dr Amarendra Amar
            Dr. Amit Kumar
            Dr. Avinash Kumar Jha
            Dr. Bipin Kumar Jha
            Dr. Arun Kumar Goel
            Dr. Gopal Sharma
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            Dr. Mohammed B. Inamdar
            Dr. Suraj Manjunath
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            Dr. Mandeep Singh Malhotra
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            Dr. Dodul Mondal
            Dr. Charu Garg
            Dr. Devavrat Arya
            Dr. Ganapathi Bhat M
            Dr. Archit Pandit
            Dr. Sameer Khatri
            Dr. Deepika Chauhan
            Dr. Satyam Taneja
            Dr. Aruna Sumanthini

            Get Opinion From Doctor

              We offers these Services

              • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
              • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
              • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
              • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
              • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
              • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
              • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
              • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
              • Providing professional language interpreter
              • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
              • Providing help in money exchanging
              • Providing local sim card
              • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires

              Note : Yashfiin provides you the right information for medical tourism in India Yashfiin Health Consult.

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